Hogar Vida Cómo usar el modo de incógnito de Google Chrome

Cómo usar el modo de incógnito de Google Chrome

por Frank
Publicado: Ultima actualización en


Google Chrome’s Incognito mode can help keep your browsing data private by not saving your history, and wiping cookies automatically. Here’s how to activate Chrome’s private browsing mode.

¿Qué es el modo de incógnito en Chrome?

Google Chrome’s incognito mode is primarily designed to keep your browsing habits safe from other users on the same PC. Like other private browsing modes found in most web browsers, incognito mode doesn’t save your browsing history or any information you enter into forms, and it clears your caché de navegador and cookies once you close the window.

Incognito mode won’t stop you from being tracked on the internet by third parties, however — for that, you’ll need to take extra steps, like instalar una VPN.

Cómo activar el modo de incógnito

La forma más rápida de abrir el modo de incógnito es con un atajo de teclado. Presiona Ctrl+Shift+n (Command+Shift+n en Mac) en Google Chrome y aparecerá una nueva ventana en modo incógnito.

You can also activate incognito mode with Chrome’s user interface. Click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the window, and then click “New Incognito Window.”

Haz clic en los tres puntos, luego haz clic en "Nueva ventana de incógnito".

If you’d like to always use incognito mode, you could hacer que Google Chrome se inicie en modo incógnito de forma predeterminada.

Any time you launch a new tab with incognito active, you will see a message that says “You’ve Gone Incognito” in the middle of the screen.

El modo incógnito está activo

There is another indicator for incognito mode in the top right-hand corner of Chrome — it remains visible so long as you’re incognito.

Indicador activo de incógnito

Remember, Incognito mode will not stop most tracking activities. It will only prevent your browsing history from being saved locally on your PC. Network administrators, your ISP, and websites you visit are all still capable of identifying you. You can averigüe qué servicio VPN es el mejor if you desire additional privacy.

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