Home Entertainment How to TikTok Duet

How to TikTok Duet

by Frank
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The ability to react and reply to other videos is one of TikTok’s most popular features. “Duet” is one technique to do this; it’s similar to responding in real time to another TikTok video. We’ll demonstrate how it works.

What Is TikTok’s Duet

The TikTok feature “Duet” is comparable to the TikTok function “Stitch.”

When you Stitch, you are adding your own video to the end of the video of another user. When your video is side by side with another video, they play at the same time.

It’s rather usual to utilize the Duet function to reply in real-time to another video. “Blind Duet” is a word used to describe dueting with a video before seeing it to get a true initial response. The following is an example of a Duet.

How to Perform a TikTok Duet

To begin, open TikTok on your iPhone, iPad, or Android smartphone and search for a video to Duet with, then touch the share button (an arrow pointing to the right).

Choose “Duet” from the sharing options. Duets may be disabled by users, thus they may not be accessible on every video you view.

Tap "Duet."

The original video will show to the right of your video. There are all of the standard recording tools accessible. You may adjust the orientation of the movies by tapping the “Layout” button in the side toolbar.

Tap the "Layout" button.

When you’re ready to duet, press the red record button. The original video will begin to play, and your camera will begin to record alongside it.

Begin recording.

When the video is finished, press the red checkmark to go to the editing screen.

Finish recording.

Following that, you may add text, stickers, and any of the other standard editing effects. When you’re finished, press “Next.”

Edit the video.

Finally, provide a caption and choose your sharing choices. TikTok will automatically include the hashtag #duet as well as a link to the original video. When you’re finished, press the “Post” button!

Fill out the video details and tap "Post."

That’s it, you’ve just created a Duet. This is a tremendously amusing TikTok function, and it’s one of the many reasons why the site is so addicting.

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